Opinion: Humza Yousaf on the record

Posted on March 28, 2013



Humza Yousaf: “These choices made in London and imposed on Scotland should make us think about what sort of nation we want to live in, and what sort of values our society should embrace.”

By Humza Yousaf

On Wednesday 20th March, George Osborne will announce his Budget. Admittedly, these can be pretty predictable affairs with lots of cheering and whooping from the Chancellor’s back benchers and heckling and waving of papers from the opposition.

Understandably, this puts a lot of people off but the budget is important as it impacts our everyday lives. Unfortunately, during the economic downturn, we can expect a budget full of cuts and austerity measures which will hit Scotland hard.

These choices made in London and imposed on Scotland should make us think about what sort of nation we want to live in, and what sort of values our society should embrace.

Scotland has an egalitarian spirit which runs through our country, the idea that the man and woman on the street should be protected and have equal opportunities in life. I am proud to be part of a Scottish Government that is using that the powers that it has to uphold this spirit in Scotland.

“The Westminster Budget demonstrates the completely different paths that the UK and Scottish Governments are taking”

We have made choices to protect Scots from Westminster cuts, and to prioritise the most vulnerable in our society. The Scottish Government is committed to a Social Wage for Scots, which helps to protect the vulnerable in society.

The Social Wage is the idea that although we do not have control over the economy, with the powers we have we must protect people to the best of our abilities.

For example, the Scottish Government has frozen council tax rates, which will help hundreds of hard-working families in Cardonald and across the south side to balance their budgets in the face of rising household costs.

We abolished back-door tuition fees so a University education is free for all, we ended prescription charges so that the ill no longer have to pay for their medicines and we have extended the concessionary travel scheme.

The Westminster Budget demonstrates the completely different paths that the UK and Scottish Governments are taking.

The last Westminster budget saw a cut in the top rate of income tax – benefiting the highest earners in the UK rather than those who are working hard on the lowest wages.

Child benefit was also reduced for all and removed entirely for some, and some proposals such as the ‘pasty tax’ were so unpopular that the government was forced to back down and make a U-turn.

“The Scottish Government is doing everything to help vulnerable Scots with the powers that it has”

In comparison the Scottish Government’s budget, passed by MSPs at the beginning of February, is in the best interests of the Scottish economy. It includes an additional £61million over two years for further education and an additional £38million for housing – both vital areas for Scotland.

Many constituents have contacted me on the issue of college funding, and I am pleased to say that £10million will be added to the college budget in 2013/14, with £51million to be added in 2014/15. Cardonald and Langside Colleges will benefit from this increased budget, as well as colleges across Glasgow and Scotland.

The extra funding for housing will help to build more affordable homes, and brings the Scottish Government’s budget for housing supply to almost £860 million over three years.

The UK Government’s welfare reforms will also affect thousands of people across Glasgow. The Scottish Government is doing everything to help vulnerable Scots with the powers that it has, including providing £5.4million of funding for advice services to mitigate the impact of welfare changes and in particular the ill-thought bedroom tax.

If you are worried about how the benefit changes will affect you, the Citizens Advice Bureau in Greater Pollok or others across the city offer free, impartial advice and as your MSP I am always happy to assist.

Politics is all about priorities. For the Scottish Government our priority will always be working in the interest of the Scottish people, and if that means having to mitigate the effects of bad choices made by Westminster then we will continue to do that.

But what a great opportunity we have as Scots to do so much more, and take our own destiny in to our own hands by voting Yes in 2014. In this once in a lifetime opportunity we can make changes not just for us but for future generations to come.

(This article was written before the Chancellors budget on 20th March)

Posted in: Features